10 Things You Need To Know Before Opening A Marihuana Provisioning Center
You may be thinking of starting a marihuana provisioning center in Michigan. Now, after the passage of the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act or the MMFLA (M.C.L. 333.27401 et seq.) that is possible, however only if you acquire municipal approval and a State issued operations license. "Provisioning Center" is the legally permissible term under Michigan's Bureau of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation, for what was previously referred to informally as a "dispensary." The current policies no longer permit such businesses to be referred to legally as "dispensaries" and the State requires that they be referred to as marihuana provisioning centers. A provisioning center is generally a business where qualifying patients under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act or the MMMA (M.C.L. 333.26421 et seq.) may come to buy medical marihuana for medical use. While a provisioning center can be a lucrative endeavor,